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Archives: August 2013

Fuller’s London Pride

21st August, 2013

London pride has a smooth, distinctive malty base, with a rich balance of well developed hop flavours from the target, Challenger and Northdown varieties in the brew. An astonishingly complex beer for its strength, London Pride is the UK’s number 1 premium ale.

Well’s Bombardier

21st August, 2013

Using their own natural mineral water, the ripest English Fuggles hops and crushed Crystal malt deliver this experience of England in a glass. Peppery aromas give way to the perfect balance of malty richness, tangy hops and sultana fruit on the palate, with a long, soft spicy finish.

Newcastle Brown Ale

21st August, 2013

Newcastle Brown Ale is a full-flavoured smooth ale with refreshing lightness. It was created in 1927 by Colonel Jim Porter in Newcastle, England during two years of painstaking development, where hesought to develop a unique tasting beer combining the full flavour of ale with easy drinkability. The end result...

St Austell Tribute

21st August, 2013

Tribute is a magnificent example of a bronze coloured English bitter, with a rich aroma of biscuity malt and tart citrus fruit from the Willamette hops. Juicy malt, hop resins and tangy fruit coat the tongue, while the finish is long and lingering, with a fine balance between malt,...

Side Pocket for a Toad

21st August, 2013

Unmistakable citrus notes from Cascade hops balanced with a floral aroma and crisp, dry finish make this straw coloured ale a fantastic session beer.

Marstons Pedigree

21st August, 2013

Marston’s Pedigree has a distinctive flavour. This is down to its special blend of Burton spring water, Fuggles and Goldings hops and Pedigree’s own unique strain of yeast. It has a dry hop aroma with a full range of complex flavours. The melding of nut, fruit and winey flavours create...

Hooky Bitter

21st August, 2013

A subtly balanced, golden bitter, hoppy to the nose, malty on the palate.

Thwaites Lancaster Bomber

21st August, 2013

This chestnut-coloured beer is brewed using pale ale and crystal malt, which gives it a full-bodied flavour. A finely balanced hop character is enriched by the late addition of Styrian Goldings as a dry hop in each cask to give a prominent floral hop aroma and warming aftertaste.


21st August, 2013

An infusion of three Kentish hops adorns this beautifully balanced, blood-orange tinted British bitter with an acutely aromatic allure. Hints of marmalade, red grapes and pepper are thrust from a springboard of warm, mellow malts. The floating fruity finish signs off with a smidgen of spice and raspberry.

Old Speckled Hen

21st August, 2013

A finely balanced beer with a distinctive rich malty taste and fruity aroma, old speckled hen has attracted many fans, including the fox, who is always on the hunt for his hen.