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26th October, 2018

In October this year Dan, Nick, Lee & Sean were lucky enough to be representing Dayla at Oktoberfest in Germany. AB InBev invited top performers from the wholesale sector to enjoy the delights that this bucket list festival has to offer. The mood was soon set at Heathrow Airport on our way out when we met up with our good friends at Glamorgan Beers, it wasn’t long before some of the guys were 4-5 pints in (No Names) before take-off! The trip included visits to Old historical Bier Houses where Veal and Steins were on the menu. Our visit to Oktoberfest itself was truly eye opening to walk through the huge gates is like walking into Disneyland but full of beer, schnitzel and pretzels and of course lederhosen. We must point out that as Dayla are the BEST OF THE BEST, we agreed Lederhosen was a must to show we are true team players along with the boys from Glamorgan  (see proof below!) We were well and truly looked after from start to finish from our partners at AB InBev with special thanks to Ian Williams and Andrew Lennon.